Monday, August 16, 2010

What is the point, really? 值的吗 ?

All around me, I could see some people buying this or selling that. These stuffs were not petty things like a T-shirt or maybe a new mobile that costs several dollars to a few hundred bucks. On the contrary, these stuffs are heavy weight stuffs that can cost several millions of dollars.

Yes, I am talking about those "opportunists" out to make cash and more cash!

These people are usually professionals, holding top posts in their organizations and earning big bucks. They were so loaded with cash that at any given time, they have a string of properties in hand to be disposed off given the right price. You can see them laughing all the way to the bank.

I personally knew two of such people. They stayed in high class residential areas and riding in luxury cars. They go for overseas holidays annually and their children went to the best schools. They were the first in line to pick and buy prime units for investment purposes. Needless to say, they were leading lives that many of us dare not dream off.

Why am I kicking up a storm? It was their right, of course. But not when in the process to impress their higher ups, your chance to make a decent living was taken away. Yes, your rice bowl was broken and so were many others so that they stood out in the eyes of their superiors.

But fate has an upper hand. A few years ago, one of them came down with end stage nasal cancer and today, I heard that his wife succumbed to lung cancer although she does not smoke. Neither did he smoke too. And they were still in the prime of their lives, healthy and kicking.

I could not say much except that it was their doctors who had the last laugh on their way to the bank. Yes, what is the point, really? I mean, to make so much money but in the end to lose them all to expensive treatments?

Note :
Opportunists ~ plural .
                       ~ noun:
A person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by principles , conscience or plans.


  1. Hi riversidegrass, I loved this blog and its title! I think there were many such people in our society. Only that we have never come across them yet.

    Yes, what is the point, really? One thinks one is the winner. And the winner takes it all. Usually the winner has no regards for the losers and the weaker ones.

    But I think there is still some justice remains. What revenge human cannot take but Heaven will give, eventually. And in a very fatal way. And one just can't fight against fate.

    I think at the end of the day, the lesson is this. It was our health, our safety and our inner happiness that can be truly considered "great wealth", not the dollars, the grand mansions or the luxury cars!

  2. You're both right, Riversidegrass and Ipohgal.

    Health is wealth, as is family and a good night's sleep every night.
